羊栖菜、红海藻、苍布、豆腐、莲藕味增汤 + 玉米 + 糙米 + 能量三宝 + 冷压亚麻籽油
P/S:羊栖菜含钙量是牛奶的14倍,也有大量的蛋白质、维生素A和B、铁和很丰富的微量矿物质。 红海藻是所有海藻中具有最高含量的铁质,是一种重要的强身补血食物。苍布能加强其他食物的味道和营养价值。
Hijiki, Dulse, Wakeme, Tofu,lotus roots miso soup + sweet corn + brown rice + Triple treasure + cold pressed flaxseed oil
P/S: Hijiki is rich in protien, calsium and iron. Other than nori, Dulse has the highest protien content. It is also highest in iron content among all sea vege and is good for blood building. Wakame can strengthen the taste and nutritional value of other foods